Culture by chance, or by design?
Culture not only has a significant and direct impact on how your people perform, and by extension your results, it’s also one of the biggest opportunities you have to establish a sustainable competitive advantage. Every company has a distinct culture — including yours — but is it the culture you envisioned for your company, or did it just evolve by chance?
Like most of our clients, you’ve probably created a pretty good culture. But is that really enough? Is there more you could be doing to drive your culture more intentionally into the DNA of your organization? Is there more you could be doing to leverage your culture as a strategic competitive advantage? Our Fundamentals System™ gives you the roadmap, the tools, and the guidance to do just that. It takes culture from abstract to actionable by helping you define the behaviors that most drive your company’s success. Then it helps you to ritualize the practice of those behaviors, literally transforming your company’s cultural DNA.
As a Certified Consultant of High Performing Culture, Gary Eskin is licensed to implement HPC’s Fundamentals System™. The Fundamentals System™ takes culture from abstract to actionable by helping you define the behaviors that most drive your company’s success. Then it helps you to ritualize the practice of those behaviors, literally transforming your company’s cultural DNA.
Like most of our clients, you’ve probably created a pretty good culture. But is that really enough? Is there more you could be doing to drive your culture more intentionally into the DNA of your organization? Is there more you could be doing to leverage your culture as a strategic competitive advantage? Our Fundamentals System™ gives you the roadmap, the tools, and the guidance to do just that. It takes culture from abstract to actionable by helping you define the behaviors that most drive your company’s success. Then it helps you to ritualize the practice of those behaviors, literally transforming your company’s cultural DNA.
As a Certified Consultant of High Performing Culture, Gary Eskin is licensed to implement HPC’s Fundamentals System™. The Fundamentals System™ takes culture from abstract to actionable by helping you define the behaviors that most drive your company’s success. Then it helps you to ritualize the practice of those behaviors, literally transforming your company’s cultural DNA.
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